The tragic hero Trevor Cahill pays dearly for the fleeting ambition


Wednesday afternoon, the Angels lost a tight game against the Minnesota Twins, 8-7. Angels pitcher Trevor Cahill conceded defeat, scoring six earned runs in 4.1 innings, so you already know it was not his best day. The decisive moment for Cahill's ugly exit, and certainly the most regrettable, came in the second run, when Jonathan Schoop scored a 2-2 goal in the first baseline, and that Cahill was invited to play a difficult game.

It's not so much that Cahill did not play the game, and it's not even that in his hurry. Cahill threw the ball into fault territory, giving runners an extra boost for the mistake. Even the back-to-back attempt, as misguided as it was, is not the worst part of this game. No, the most heart-wrenching part of the room is the sight of Cahill's poor, suddenly lonely glove. bounces sadly in the dirt at the bottom of the field. Man.

Here is an even more amazing and wonderful view of this delirious tragicomedy:

I also love Cahill a lot, trembling and trembling awkwardly, still without a soul, after the game, with a lean and unconvincing half-smile on his face, while his teammate Jared Walsh pursues the ball in the dugout. This game had no chance, and I mean zero chance, to work. Presumably, the humiliation of the moment will prevent Cahill from attempting such idiocy again, but I really hope I'm wrong.


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