The Trouble with Jon Stewart Teaser, premieres in September


A “small step for man” straight towards a capitalist hell. The brand new teaser for Jon Stewart’s upcoming Apple TV + show, The problem with Jon Stewart, doesn’t tell us much about the series, but it’s a pretty decent recap of the billionaire space race. The teaser is actually a movie trailer sketch for what they call Cum Dog billionaires. (Dev Patel, we’re so sorry.) Jeff Bezos, CEO of Amazon, played by Jason Alexander (Seinfeld), wants to be the first billionaire in space with a rocket in the shape of a penis. “Not enough!” Bezos is yelling at his scientists. “Not short enough. Not wide enough! Not enough! Do you know who else had a chode? Galileo! Lots of cock jokes later, Elon Musk played by Adam Pally, Richard Branson played by Mop and Mark Zuckerberg, featuring a stray cat, join him in their own phallic rockets as whether it’s a parody or real life, rack up your wealth makes you deeply predictable. Concrete example : The problem lead writer Chelsea Devantez tweeted that they filmed Alexander as Bezos wearing a cowboy hat “weeks” before the real Bezos showed up to pitch wearing one. Yes, we’re supposed to laugh, but isn’t it just a little sad that this is our reality? upcoming “ha-ha” jokes; The problem with Jon Stewart is officially set for September 2021.


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