The Trump administration mitigates the energy regulations of the Obama era


President Donald Trump continues to extinguish energy regulations.

The Trump administration will lower the requirements for energy efficient light bulbs, thereby mitigating the ecological policy put in place by the two previous presidents.

As part of an action, Trump's Energy Department will repeal a rule promulgated under President Barack Obama, which will come into force on January 1, 2020, requiring that more light bulbs in the United States be comply with higher standards of energy efficiency. This regulatory change stems from a 2007 law, signed by President George W. Bush, which aimed to phase out inefficient light bulbs such as incandescent bulbs and halogen bulbs.

The deleted regulation would have redefined four categories of incandescent and halogen bulbs, so that they would be subject to the existing rules on energy efficiency, from which they were previously exempted. It would have been applied to about half of the 6 billion bulbs used in the United States, experts said.

The Trump administration said the Obama rule was a misreading of the 2007 law.

The Trump Energy Department also set new energy efficiency standards for all pear-shaped bulbs, which were also scheduled to come into effect on January 1, 2020.

The decision to extinguish the regulation was made public online Wednesday.

Environmental groups said they did not think the move was a good idea, arguing that the removal of the regulation would result in an increase in utility bills for Americans and increased electricity production by the Americans. plants emitting greenhouse gases.

At least one group is considering challenging Trump's administration in court.

"We will explore all options, including legal proceedings, to put an end to this totally wrong and illegal action," said Noah Horowitz, director of the Center for Energy Efficiency Standards for the Defense Resource Council. in a statement. "Today's action prepares the United States to become the global garbage dump for inefficient incandescent and halogen-suppressed light bulbs around the world."

The rule changes, proposed for the first time in February, are just the latest example of a return to energy or climate-related policies put in place by the president before his presidency.

Last year, the Environmental Protection Agency announced that it was canceling restrictions on greenhouse gas emissions from coal-fired power plants. – a cornerstone of Obama's clean energy reduction plan.

Earlier this year, the administration repealed the Obama era fuel economy standards aimed at reducing air pollution. And last week, the administration proposed a regulation of the reduction of methane emissions, a decisive factor of climate change.


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