The use of Windows 7 finally declines as the operating system comes to an end


With the end of life approach of Windows 7, market data seems to indicate that the operating system loses users. While the market share of Windows 7 had risen slightly in February 2019, the most recent data shows that Windows 7 is down in March, according to the latest Netmarketshare report.

Last year, Windows 10 finally passed Windows 7 to become the most used desktop operating system. In December 2018, Netmarketshare reported that Windows 10 had 39.22% of users, while Windows 7 had fallen to 36.9%.

Shortly after the Windows 10 level increase in January, Microsoft has announced that it will no longer support Windows 7 after January 14, 2020. This means that there will be no more free security patches, but some users will be able to pay for ongoing support, as upgraded security updates will be available for Windows 7 Enterprise and Microsoft 365 customers.

A last hurray

Despite the announcement of EOL, Windows 7 has indeed recovered value to deal with 38.41% of the operating systems market in February, but it did not last.

The latest data shows that Windows 10 now has 43.62% market share, its highest level yet. Meanwhile, Windows 7 has fallen to 36.52%.

While the decline now seems important and Windows 7 no longer has a lot of life to offer to non-professional users, this may well be the beginning of the end of the ten-year old operating system. years.

The only question that arises is whether Microsoft will ever release the Windows 10 October 2018 update to all users or whether those who remain will be waiting for the updated (hopefully) more stable Windows 10 April 2019. The other option for these people? Head to macOS or Linux.


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