The Walking Dead Season 9, Episode 15: "Calm Before": Recap


By Matt Fowler

Warning: the full episodes of the episode follow …

Well now … it was definitely something!

Ten dead, some important. But I'll be there in a moment.

This series does not always exactly follow comics, but … it does more than it does not. And if he has to change certain things, it is usually enough to change his character. Different people die in the place of others. A noticeable change here in the second half of season 9 is that Daryl and Henry replaced Rick and Carl in the Whisperers arena. The elements of history tend to stay while "who does the act" is what tends to change.

Those who read comics knew that something serious was going to happen at the fair of the kingdom. But even if you had not read, the show indicated a few episodes in advance. If you find problems, there are certainly problems to be met. Anyway, I was wrong this moment – the ten heads of zombies on spikes – anchored for the season finale. I thought it would be the sudden drop of the microphone that makes us out of the season. But it was used here in the penultimate episode. Well done, show! In addition, the move combines very well with the terribly tough episode last week. I take advantage of all the macabre gloom.

But what's left for the final of season 9 next Sunday? Well, note at the bottom of the page, I watch these episodes a few days in advance, via press reporters, so when these reviews are posted, I have not seen the specials "Next Time On …". So, we will probably answer that anyway. Still, I think about next week at get Negan out of the clink. Michonne must decide to release him in order to protect Alexandria. Judith was almost killed again, and even though Michonne is not likely to regress again, she must make extreme calls.

I know we have just released a great episode of flashback, but I will not oppose either that the final is a chapter of flashback entirely devoted to Negan. For example, let 's completely abandon the story of today. Because this "The Calm Before" has not only given us ten heads, but also a few sequels. Siddiq, the only survivor, gave a passionate speech, and then we saw Daryl and Lydia honoring Henry's grave. I mean … uh … pike. So, this is not even a complete cliffhanger that needs to be solved immediately. A little time has passed. So it would be nice to withdraw from the whole story and finally plunge into the past of Negan. Especially since he will join the company. We are going to need that extra push of sympathy for him.

More to consider: Will the finale of next week answer Michonne's fate, as star Danai Gurira leaves the series and will only appear in a few episodes of next season? Given this, the show really must release Negan and set him up as Judith's new protector / de facto parent, pronto.

Now, with the question in hand. All those damned dead! Nicely placed and orderly, I could add, in order of impact and importance. Did the Whisperers know that Daryl and Carol read their heads from left to right like a book and that TOO COOL HILLTOP TEENS ™ was garbage? Because bingo! Alpha was dead.

The Highwaymen were the first. Then former savior D.J. Then two of those terrible teenagers (who were so crazy with Lydia). Then the names became a little bigger. Tammy was there. Then Enid was up. At the very end, the hammer fell. And for those who were waiting for specific names of comics, the show has you (as well as me) set up!

In the comics, the most remarkable heads on the poles were Rosita and Ezekiel. Here they went back, starring Tara and Henry – the latter being the big shock. Henry had just become his own character during this half-period. He was Carl's substitute. And he was is just starting make less stupid mistakes. Also, perhaps just as important, to say the least, he counted a lot for Carol and Ezekiel. And since Daryl had been accused of protecting him, he now has a dead person entirely on whom to feel guilty.

It was pretty big. Again, sneakily, the episode still hinted at Rosita and Ezekiel. They asked Gabriel about "someone", making us suppose that it was Rosita. But – boom – that was Tara. And not only did Ezekiel wander at the fair with Alpha (disguised as "Debbie"), but Lydia asked Ezekiel to report Henry's disappearance to Henry. Like to report that Ezekiel was hurting himself while he was looking for it.

But that's Henry who got had, and then we saw it and the rest come down while swaying. This is another reason why I feel that the final should be separate from the current thread. All the dead upset us, and then we went back to see that those who are dead are honorably taken out, with fire and courage in their hearts. Alpha leaving Siddiq alive was a tactic designed to arouse everyone's fear, but he had managed to make it a galvanizing moment. A project that, hopefully, pushes everyone forward in a just conflict rather than in the usual sandbox of a sad reflection.

"The Calm Before" played with time a little too much sometimes, reminding us of the fair after Daryl and the rest were captured, then reminding us of characters noticing that other characters had disappeared at the fair, then at the Kidnapped parties hit back, but all in all, it was a macabre manic show. After nine seasons, the show is too long in the tooth. It can not help that. But that's the kind of thing that a show broadcast for so long should do. He makes big bold moves. These recall the first seasons of the series, but at a faster pace.

Grrs and Arghs:

  • In the future, if the finale picks up the present, I'll watch Daryl and Carol to see how they react. Both could regress since they both suffered a similar trauma before. Carol loses a child and Daryl feels responsible for the death of someone else. Let's hope the show offers something new to do with them.
  • I do not know how much Lydia will be blamed for this, but everyone has quite often guaranteed it and we have seen Alpha cut the ties with her (and cut Whisperer's neck a bit at random, out of fury) no one makes more aggro movements. I still hope that Lydia will perhaps take the place of Henry, who had taken Carl's place, from this new angle. And his attachment to Daryl, considering how they can bond in the past, is a nice touch.
  • At least, the Whisperers have not touched this sweet statue of Shiva in papier mache!
  • It's funny to see that "boyfriend" and "girlfriend" are still difficult terms for people a decade after the world has fallen into abject ruin.
  • The finale could also involve Eugene's inter-community roleplaying game. I would look at that. Just say.
  • I see that they went to the old cartoon with the projection of the movie. I had been laughing for weeks, thinking that the film, which everyone was going to marvel at (and who literally bought Highwaymen's services), was a tediously mediocre film that nobody ever laughed at when he came out. Of course, Ezekiel could have somehow had the impression of a classic such as The Godfather or The Wizard of Oz – but what would happen if it was, for example, d & rsquo; Identity Thief. Or Annapolis. Something totally disappointing. Not even a bad movie, just blah.

The verdict

Instead of preparing everything for a fierce final, The Walking Dead achieved his brutal brushstroke a week earlier, nicely defying expectations. "The Calm Before" is sometimes felt a bit agitated (hah!), Due to excessive use of flashes and temporal distortions, but its perverse use of the wrong direction worked well this week. Usually, because of past sins, the tactics of smoke and mirrors in the series evoke the rolling of the eyes, but here everything seemed a little more diabolical and delicious.


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