The wedding of Lori Loughlin and Mossimo Giannulli would be on the rocks


Lori Loughlin and Mossimo Giannulli have since united since they have been charged with several counts of fraud and money laundering in the highly publicized scandal of college admissions.

While some parents involved in the scandal opted for advocacy agreements, the famous couple decided to defend themselves against them. They even agreed to share the same lawyer. But behind the scenes, the couple would feel the stress of the crisis, according to a new report from Us Weekly.

Lori Loughlin regrets not to compromise

Lori Loughlin and Mossimo Giannulli
Lori Loughlin and Mossimo Giannulli Leave Boston Court August 27, 2019 | John Tlumacki / The Boston Globe via Getty Images

Prosecutors allege that Loughlin and Giannulli paid US $ 500,000 to ensure that their two daughters were admitted to the University of Southern California as crew recruits (something the girls did not really participate in) . The couple – married for more than 20 years – proclaimed their innocence and decided to try their luck in court. But now, it looks like the old When is the heart calling the actress regrets not to accept a plea agreement.

"Lori was inclined to accept the deal, but Mossimo said it would ruin their career," an insider told Us Weekly.

With the prison looking more and more likely for the pair, the Fuller House Star asked his lawyer to see if prosecutors would be willing to negotiate another deal allowing him to pay a fine and agree to house confinement, Us Weekly reported. But at this point, this is not likely to happen. And her husband is still convinced that he will not be found guilty.

"Moss does not want an advocacy agreement and expects to be fully exonerated," a source told the magazine.

The star of "When Calls the Heart" is angry at her husband, stylist

Lori Loughlin
Lori Loughlin | Stefanie Keenan / Getty Images for Netflix

Giannulli's behavior apparently begins to create tension in the couple's marriage. Recently, the couple wondered how they should go to Boston for a court appearance. The couple's lawyers and Loughlin thought they should fly in commercial aircraft. Giannulli was not in agreement. In the end, he and his wife traveled by private plane.

"The lawyers advised the couple not to [fly private], Said the insider. "[B]ut Mossimo insisted, saying it would be a "zoo" if they were doing commercial flights. "

Outside the court prior to the August 27 hearing, Loughlin appeared much more moderate than before her first court appearance in April, when she had smiled and signed autographs for fans.

Their daughter Bella fears her parents are getting divorced

The tension in her parents' marriage has apparently worried her daughter Bella. She "is extremely concerned that they will divorce," the insider told Us Weekly.

At the same time, the couple's other daughter, Olivia Jade, would still have "resentment" towards her mother, a source told ET. The 19-year-old was an influential influencer on Instagram when the scandal was made public and her partnership with major brands was lost. Now, she is apparently working with her father, who founded the brand Target & # 39; s Mossimo, to rebuild her business. But she is also worried about what will happen to her parents.

"The girls are really scared for their father and their mother," the insider told ET.

While her family tries to overcome the crisis, Loughlin's friends tell the 55-year-old woman that it's time to cut ties with her 56-year-old husband.

"Her friends think she should leave him," said a different weekly at Us Weekly. "But Lori refuses and says the ordeal has made them stronger."


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