The Witcher 3 shows 28.1 GB on the eShop Switch


Look at Geralt's face: he approves

After announcing it at E3, CD Projekt Red noted that the The Witcher 3: Wild Hunting on the switch would go on a 32GB card. As a global version, this is fundamentally unprecedented, and would mean that players would not need to download a huge patch for Day 1 to actually play the game off of the box.

It's not just a big issue in terms of convenience at launch, Witcher 3 This is one of those games that you will probably play for decades, long after Switch eShop is dead and buried. Now, with the announcement of the release date, October 15th, and the eShop selection list, we have an idea of ​​how the publisher has made it all possible.

According to the eShop Switch, The witcher 3 will occupy 28.1 GB of space on your switch. Which means that it fits perfectly to this 32 GB SD card (which usually has 29.8 GB of usable space). This is definitely a big download and I know that many of you are like this guy who can not hold all his Switch games, but you can still opt for the physical version!


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