The World Health Organization will decide this week whether "gambling disorder" should be a recognized disease •


Members of the World Health Organization will decide next week whether video game addiction will become an officially recognized disorder.

The eleventh iteration of the International Classification of Diseases – commonly known as ICD-11 – included "gambling disorder" for the first time last year, when it had been included in the draft document. Despite significant pressure from industry leaders such as the Entertainment Software Association – studios like Epic, Activision Blizzard and Riot – experts will be able to vote on the changes at the World Health Assembly in Geneva later on this week (thanks, iNews).

The World Health Organization guidelines define the disorder as being characterized by a set of "persistent or recurring gambling behaviors that may be online or offline", manifested by: 1) loss of control of the game (eg appearance, frequency, intensity, duration, termination, etc.); 2) the increasing priority given to gambling as gambling takes precedence over other interests of life and daily activities; and 3) the pursuit or intensification of gambling despite the occurrence of negative consequences. "

The vote will take place at the World Health Assembly in Geneva later this week.

He adds that the behavior "is serious enough to result in significant impairment of personal, family, social, educational, professional or other capacities". People with such symptoms for a period of twelve months or longer are likely to be considered at risk.

The World Health Organization has declared that the decision to include gambling disorders in ICD-11 was made "on the basis of the review of available evidence and reflected a consensus of experts [after] However, reacting to news of last year, ESA insisted that "the billions of video game players around the world who will be affected … deserve actions based on meticulous research, "adding that" no reasonable person would suggest "a similar addiction to television could also be classified as a disorder.

"We believe that ongoing conversation and education are needed before any classification.In fact, leading mental health experts have repeatedly warned that the" gambling disorder "classification creates a risk of Misdiagnosis for patients who need help the most, "said ESA President Stanley. Said Pierre-Louis. "We hope that through ongoing dialogue we can help WHO avoid precipitous actions and mistakes that may take years to correct.

"As an industry, we are committed to working with stakeholders, researchers, policy makers, and parents to ensure that the best classroom assessments, parental controls, and other tools help gaming users." video and parents to understand and manage quality games. "

Wes Yin-Poole, deputy editor of Eurogamer, wrote a candid and deeply personal essay on his addiction to World of Warcraft last year.


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