The year of the dragon "Hearthstone" brings great changes – Variety


Blizzard is making big changes to his "Hearthstone" digital collectible card game in 2019, which he officially nicknamed the Year of the Dragon, a blog said Thursday.

Nine cards are entering the Hall of Fame, Blizzard added, including two that come out of Standard one year earlier than planned. These two cards – Baku the Mooneater and Genn Greymane – come from the Witchwood expansion and are key components of the Odd and Even decks. These decks force players to use only odd or even numbered cards in exchange for stronger hero power, and they are more prevalent in Standard than Blizzard intended.

Since Baku and Genn have come out, Blizzard has also been transferring several more cards to the Hall of Fame, mainly used in the Odd and Even decks. These cards are Gloom Stag, Black Cat, Glitter Moth and Murkspark Eel. Some classic cards are also removed from Standard, including Naturalize Druids, Warlock Warlock and Paladin's Divine Favor. As usual, all of these cards will be available in Wild game format once the changes take effect.

Blizzard also revolutionizes the solo experience of "Hearthstone" in 2019, promising something "bigger, deeper and much more ambitious than anything we've ever done." add more customization options, including the ability to unlock multiple starting decks and class hero powers. There will also be a meeting in a tavern without a fight where players can adjust their decks.

The first single player content is launched about a month after the first expansion of the year, said Blizzard, and the kickoff is given with a free chapter. The following chapters cost 700 pieces of gold each, or $ 20 for any solo adventure. Each chapter includes two new characters to play and rewards players with three packs of cards from the new expansion. People who complete the five chapters receive a return card and a classic gold pack.

Meanwhile, Blizzard updates the Arena project pool this year by alternating sets and adding new games twice by extension. The first rotation includes Basic, Classic, Curse of Naxxramas, Whispers of the Old Gods, Mean Streets of Gadgetzan, The Witchwood and the first expansion of this year.

Some of the smaller upcoming features worth noting are the ability to display random cards at matches and a smarter deck builder. Blizzard said he would share more details on the latter at a later date.

The year of the dragon will probably begin in April, parallel to the next expansion. That means the professional Hearthstone players will have a new meta to deal with in Blizzard's new Hearthstone Masters Tour, which will make its first stop at the LINQ Hotel and Casino in Las Vegas on June 14th and 16th.


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