There is a big privacy problem with the EA Origin service.


Apex Legends could give your name

Apex Legends is a legitimate phenomenon since its stealthy launch two weeks ago. Unfortunately, this also highlights a serious gap in the Origin EA service regarding personal information and who has access to it. Millions of players who access the game via the EA Origin service can provide their real names to other players without even realizing it.

Randi Lee Harper is a Cloud Engineer and Founder of the Online Abuse Prevention Initiative. While trying to add a friend to play and play Apex Legendsshe noticed that a total stranger with whom she had played before had posted her real name. He was not the only one. Harper has seen more players than expected see their real name and decided to look a little further why this might be the case.

The Origin customer asks you for your real name when you sign up, but you are free to provide as much information as you want in these areas. However, intentionally or by accident, the checkbox "Show my real name on my profile" under the Privacy Settings tab appears to have been enabled for thousands of Origin accounts without the knowledge of the User or without his consent. This allows anyone to find your real name via your username, thereby denying the level of privacy of the online games offered by the Origin service.

Harper believes that Origin accounts created between 2013 and 2015 have most likely changed names, although it's a good idea to check, no matter when your account was created. You can check if your Origin account has been affected by clicking here. You can have a Origin account without even knowing it; As Harper points out, several other systems have been absorbed by Origin through EA's many acquisitions.

Respawn's entry into the Battle Royale genre has attracted millions of players over 25 million during its first week alone. This is good news for EA, which has seen its price rise as legends has become the new hot game. It even sparked a renewed interest in the criminally neglected group of Respawn. Titanfall 2. Millions of people have recently installed or reinstalled Origin to play Apex Legends, and there is a good chance that many of them have no idea that they have provided their teammates and their opponents with their names in real life. If you played Apex Legends on your PC, it's helpful to check that you have not spoken to people more than you thought.

@Randileeharper [Twitter]

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