There is a bridge in Red Dead Online that can send you to Mexico


The excellent trampolinists of Eurogamer report there is a bridge in Red Dead Online players have a habit of throwing themselves off the map. Support me for a moment, I’m working on the Facebook slogans:

  • A bridge too far
  • The bridge over a troubled massacre
  • An event at the Shit Creek Bridge

I have arrived.

The inhabitants of Reddit have spent their week experiencing this strangest problem, visiting a bridge near McFarlane Ranch to see how far they can propel themselves to the horizon. I mean, the speed of God for them. What better way to spend a week’s vacation in the middle of a lockdown, than to catapult yourself into fictional skies?

You need to find your way to Hannigan’s Stead, between McFarlane’s Ranch and Armadillo, where a pair of bridges are perpendicular to each other. The south deck has a sweet spot at each end, three or four boards that you’re going to want to throw something like a knife or tomahawk into, which – for reasons that should never be corrected – causes a manic start to spasms. Walk on it and hope.

Please don’t take horses on the bridge.


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