There was no collusion, Adam Schiff


WASHINGTON – President Donald Trump has called on the chairman of the House's Intelligence Committee, Adam Schiff, to resign from Congress. Of course, this will not happen.

Even after special advocate Robert Mueller found no conspiracy or coordination between the Trump 2016 campaign and Russian actors, Schiff told the Washington Post: "There is undoubtedly collusion."

This makes Schiff an unimportant president who gives the impression that his fellow Democrats are out of touch with reality. But that's their right, and Schiff won his district of Southern California with 78% of the votes.

So, instead of resigning, Schiff cleverly started raising money and campaigning at Trump's request. "Adam will not be intimidated," said a campaign tweet, "Show Adam that you're behind him: add your name now."

On Thursday, the nine Republicans of the committee called on Schiff to resign from his presidency as he continued to argue that there was evidence of collusion between Team Trump and the Russians. While Speaker of the House of Representatives Nancy Pelosi described the GOP members as "shy cats," Schiff doubled her claim of collusion.

"You may think that the relationship between Trump and his collaborators with the Russians during the campaign is acceptable," Schiff told his colleagues. "I do not do it.I think it's immoral.I think it's unethical.I think it's unpatriotic.And yes, I think that's Is corrupt. "

When the interaction becomes synonymous with collusion, you end up in a territory of guilt by association. And it's worse than having a pencil neck.

Trump ignores the truth when he says that Mueller absolved him of obstructing justice, while Mueller did not expressly do so.

Schiff ignores the truth when he discovers guilt when, after 22 months, Mueller, having issued more than 2,800 subpoenas and questioned some 500 witnesses, found none.

Attorney General William Barr told Congress that Mueller "did not find any Trump campaigner, official or associate in the US conspiracy or knowingly coordinated with the IRA" [Russian Internet Research Agency] in his efforts. "

Did Trump's associates talk to the Russians? Yes. Did they collaborate with the Russians to win in 2016? No.

They can continue to hold hearings to try to find collusion, but that will not happen. Trump won, and if they want to know the truth, maybe they should ask American voters what happened.



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