These are the 10 best SGDQ runs of 2021


Over the past week, charity and video game fans converged for the Summer Games Done Quick event. Speedrunners from around the world came together to host their favorite games, while organizers handed out prizes and offered incentives for donations. The organization regularly raises thousands of dollars for various charities, and this year participants raised $ 2.8 million for Doctors Without Borders.

If you’re unfamiliar with SGDQ or its wintery iteration, Awesome Games Done Quick, speed racers try to beat games as fast as possible, often by sliding the game or using special techniques. The riders of this SGDQ have played games of all kinds and ages, classics like Kirby Super star from 1996 to 2020 Demon souls remake. The event was primarily online for the second year in a row due to the pandemic.

If you would like to check out the full SGDQ 2021 race catalog for this event – which ran from July 4 to 11 – you can check out its website. His YouTube channel also has recordings for each race. But we have also has compiled a list of the top 10 must-see runs.

Kingdom Hearts 2 Final mix

Beginning at the end, Kingdom Hearts 2 final mix closed SGDQ this year. Ninten led the game in the Critical Mode any% category, a first for the event. This is a level 1 race, which means the character’s stats do not increase as the game progresses.

The race lasts three hours, 13 minutes and 12 seconds. This race ends with the extremely difficult fights of Sephiroth and Terra, both not to be missed.

Fire Emblem: Three Houses

Most tactical style games do weird races, but the different routes for each of the houses do Fire Emblem: Three Houses unique. The SGDQ organized an incentive for charitable donations for this race, allowing donors to choose the house that the runners would take. The runners only learned the route they were going to take a few minutes before starting. As a race, Three houses featured two runners, Kirbymastah and Claris. The race only takes an hour, 13 minutes and 53 seconds.

This is one of those very impressive tracks that shows the mastery of every runner, knowing a game back and forth through the Golden Deer, Blue Lion and Black Eagle tracks.

Super Mario Bros 3 cooperative

Super Mario Brothers 3 is another race that came towards the end of the event, just before Kingdom Hearts. It is a non-distorting cooperative managed by Mitchflowerpower and Thehaxor. Unlike the race for Fire Emblem, the cooperative race here is all about usability, and it gets two riders working together perfectly.

The duo explain the situation during the intro, but depending on the player’s items, they have to go through each card carefully to make sure that the specific player with the specific item matches the correct card. Co-op races like this always show an extreme level of co-op, and it’s a lot of fun.

It takes the team an hour, 20 minutes and 39 seconds to complete the game.

Dancecrush Stardom

Dancerush Stardom is a rhythm game in the vein of Dance Dance Revolution. But runner Eijiken makes this run a little more fun by implementing a Swiffer with his dance moves. It’s a very high energy run with an entertaining runner.

The race is only 58 minutes and 35 seconds long, as it is more of a dance demonstration than a speedrun.

Super Mario 64 blindfolded

Super Mario 64 is a staple of SGDQ, but here we can see the classic game play out completely blind. Bubzia is the runner here, and he grabs the 70 stars needed to beat the game without ever looking at the screen.

the Super Mario 64 Speedrunning technology is always fun to watch, but witnessing an expert without even looking is even more awe-inspiring.

The race lasts one hour, 49 minutes and 59 seconds.

Celestial Personalized cards

the Celestial the execution of the custom map goes through a fan-made version of the game called Glyph. It’s run by Freezeflygone and offers some really cool tech. This is a great way to present a very cool personalized card for Celestial, which has all new music and level design.

The race lasts 38 minutes and 43 seconds.


Geoguessr is a weird game where players have to guess where in the world the game is showing them. It is managed by Havrd.

As Dancecrush Stardom, this is not a traditional speedrun. Instead, it’s points-based, and Havrd’s goal is to get a perfect score. It’s a really awesome race where you can see a smart runner using some bizarre clues to find out where he is.

The race only takes 31 minutes and 31 seconds.

resident Evil 7 races

The races are always great, but the first person races are always the best. This resident Evil 7: Biological risk run follows KatLink and Captain Ezekiel.

It’s fun to see where the two runners diverge and their perspectives slowly drift away from each other. The whole race only takes an hour, thirty minutes and 34 seconds, so it’s a quick jaunt through a big game.

Yoshithe story of

Yoshi’s story is a super fast run by LoveBot. There are a lot of cool tech around Yoshi’s language. It’s crazy to watch, the kind of run where things happen so fast you’ll blink and miss an awesome trick.

The race only takes 15 minutes and a second.

Demon souls

the Demon souls run here was an incentive race that players donated to. Not only is it one of the newer games from SGDQ, it uses some extremely bizarre technology that requires the use of PlayStation Plus. It’s run by BertoPlease, and like all Soulsbourne races, it’s a great way to watch amazing players kick their asses.

the Demon souls the race lasts 53 minutes and 57 seconds.


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