These are the 21 hurricane names of the 2019 Atlantic Storm Season and two names you'll never see again


If you are wondering what names will be used when tropical storms begin to form during the 2019 Atlantic hurricane season – which will officially start on June 1st and continue until November 30th – here is the official list of names of storms from the National Hurricane Center.

But before consulting the list below, it should be noted that a few names will not be present and that they will never be used again as a storm name in the Atlantic. This is because from time to time, the group named the storms "removes" the human nicknames of the most destructive hurricanes.

The task of naming storms and eliminating names belongs to a regional committee of the World Meteorological Organization. The committee – which includes representatives from the National Hurricane Center of our country – has six lists of 21 names, covering six hurricane seasons.

After six years, the lists are recycled and most of the names will be reused. However, from time to time, the committee removes the names of storms that result in many deaths or extremely costly damages. These names are removed from the rotation and replaced by new ones.

Here are the 21 names that will be used when strong tropical storms form in the Atlantic Hurricane Basin during the 2019 storm season.

Len Melisurgo | NJ Advance Media for

Here are the 21 names that will be used when strong tropical storms form in the Atlantic Hurricane Basin during the 2019 storm season.

Hurricane names recently removed

Earlier this year, the regional hurricane committee decided to remove the storm names of Florence and Michael, due to the massive destruction they caused in 2018. These nicknames will be replaced in the rotation with Francine and Milton, to from 2024.

In 2018, the committee withdrew the names of Harvey, Irma, Maria and Nate, the four powerful hurricanes of 2017 that caused considerable damage and many deaths in the United States and the Caribbean.

These names have been replaced by Harold, Idalia, Margot and Nigel.

Hurricane Michael caused a lot of damage in Florida and in other states in 2018, so the name Michael will no longer be used as a storm name.

US Coast Guard

Hurricane Michael caused a lot of damage in Florida and in other states in 2018, so the name Michael will no longer be used as a storm name.

And if more than 21 storms are named?

In a rare season in which more than 21 storms are strong enough to deserve names, the committee chooses these additional names from the Greek alphabet, such as Alpha, Beta, Gamma, Delta and Epsilon.

Thus, the names reserved for the next storm season remain intact.

More details on the naming process can be found here.

Names in future hurricane seasons

For the names of the storms that will be used in the next five Atlantic hurricane seasons, from 2020 to 2024, consult these lists on the National Hurricane Center website.

Len Melisurgo can be reached at [email protected]. Follow him on Twitter @LensReality or like him on Facebook. Find sure Facebook.


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