These designs of peeled Pokémon are horrible


Since the early days of the franchise, Pokemon fans have shared their own take on creatures, but Peeled Pokemon just might be the most disturbing version of all time! The @peeled_pokemon Twitter account browsed every Pokemon in the franchise, with a number of details removed using Paint Tool Sai 2. According to Kotaku, the designs started out as a joke among friends, but the account quickly grew. exploded on the social media platform; @peeled_pokemon started tweeting in January 2020 and has over 66,000 followers at the time of writing. Obviously, the designs struck a chord with many Pokémon fans!

At this point, the account has now shared images of the first 452 Pokémon with the details removed. This puts them in Gen IV territory, which seems quite appropriate given all the recent Pokémon Diamond and Pearl news! Peeled Pokémon designs are all displayed according to their official Pokedex order, so most die-hard fans won’t have too much trouble identifying them (numbers are included in every Tweet, but names aren’t. ). However, for casual fans, some may be a bit easier to identify than others! An example of the @peeled_pokemon account can be found below.

It’s interesting how fans have responded to these posts and how far the account has taken off over the past year. This is a testament to the popularity of the franchise and also shows the various ways Pokemon continues to inspire fan creativity. Over the past 25 years, Pokemon fans have found plenty of creative outlets throughout the franchise, and these peeled Pokemon designs are no exception. It’s unclear if the person who manages the account will eventually offer peeled versions of every Pokémon in the franchise, but as the creator of the account nears mid-term, that seems like a distinct possibility!

Those wishing to discover more of the artist’s work can find him on the @peeled_pokemon Twitter account. The artist also has a Ko-fi account, which can be found here.

Are you following the Peeled Pokémon account on Twitter? Do you have a personal favorite so far? Let us know in the comments or share your thoughts directly on Twitter at @Marcdachamp to talk about everything related to the game!


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