These NES style Switch gaming card holders are adorable and make them harder to lose


Retro 85 NES Cartridge Game Case© Nintendo Life

We’re not sure about you, but it’s our personal opinion here on Nintendo Life that these tiny (and tasty?) Switch game cards are frustrating easy to lose. We might be very accident-prone or distracted (or both), but we spent many hours scouring the house trying to find a game that fell out of our Switch carrying case – usually when we are. fair about to leave for work.

Fortunately, there is a solution to this weirdly specific problem, and it comes in the form of tiny NES-shaped Switch gaming card holders. Produced by Retro Fighters, these little plastic cases let you store your games in style, and they even have a small, quick-loading mechanism, just like the Switch’s cartridge slot does – a little squeeze on the top of the card. game, and it comes out of the case. Cared for!

You get 8 cases in each pack, plus a clear carrying case to hold them all. We have to say that we are quite enamored with these and hope to see other variations in the future – Game Boy or SNES in particular.

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Thanks to Games Connection for providing Retro 85 NES cartridge game cases used in this feature.


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