They texted the wrong number, but reached the right person – a stranger who offered to help


Abby Fink thought she had sent an SMS to a friend of the church, Alex Jakeman, she told CNN.

"Hey brother Jakeman, here's Sister Fink, we bring you tomorrow's dinner, I was wondering what time it would be a good time to bring him back," reads the text.

Noah, the son of the four-year-old Jakeman family, fought for his life. The boy was suffering from an epileptic fit, was vomiting and had breathing problems, his mother told CNN.

Noah is suffering from Lennox Gasteau syndrome, which is a serious type of epilepsy and cerebral palsy. He has fragile bones, abnormal brain development, autism and is non-verbal and unable to walk alone, said his mother.

But the message has never been passed on to the Jakeman family. He landed on Bill Clayten's phone.

Clayten replied, "What do you bring me, I do not like seafood."

"I was confused at first because his reaction was not that of a person with a child in the intensive care unit," Fink said.

An erroneous text is ended by a friendly gesture between strangers.

Once Fink explained that his friend's son was in intensive care at the Phoenix Children's Hospital, Clayten put the jokes aside, he told CNN.

He asked how he could get involved. After some coordination, Clayten began fundraising on Facebook and asked his network for cards, blood donations and cash donations to help the family cover their medical expenses.

Clayten wanted people to send cards and gifts to Noah so that when the boy woke up he could "see himself surrounded by the love of the community".

Clayten said that he was not a religious, but that he thought that "all we have is one for the other, so it is our duty to watch each other ".

"That made me realize that no matter how difficult it may be, I am very lucky," said Clayten, a full-time single father of a teenager. "My greatest reward is to have had the opportunity to teach the charity lesson to my son."

Noah is still in the intensive care unit, but is taking steps forward to go to an ordinary hospital room, said Jakeman.

"It's amazing," she says about Clayten. "He is totally alien and he just wanted to get on with the action."

"I told him that he was an angel," Fink said. "Sent to help this sweet family."

Fink and Clayten have not spoken directly, but plan to meet next week.


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