Thieves execute a witness after his identity has been misdirected by courts


A witness of a robbery was murdered outside his home in Denver after local court officials wrongly published secret court documents revealing his identity, officials said. David Henderson, 48, was shot dead 10 bullets in October 2016. Prosecutors revealed that the motive for this killing was Henderson's cooperation with detectives after witnessing a burglary at a store marijuana two months ago. Prosecutors said the suspect, Terance Black, had been informed of Henderson's cooperation with the police while he was on bail on charges of robbery after documents were falsely sent to a person from prison. the investigation then informed Black. Black thought that the case would be against him and that his mother would collapse without Henderson's evidence. We would have surprised him with Tina Black. Henderson "would have been caught off guard and the snitchers were stung" Thursday. murder of the witness.


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