ThinkProgress closes after failure of a publisher's security


ThinkProgress, a news site linked to a Liberal think tank, closes Friday.

The site, connected to the Center for American Progress, will serve as a platform for the CAP researchers. It will no longer work as an independent entity focused on the original reporting. They were looking for a buyer to take over the business, but without success.

"Since we could not find any new publisher, we have no choice but to integrate the ThinkProgress website with CAP 's broader online presence," he says. Emphasis is placed on the analysis of politics, politics and current events through the prism of CAP and CAP existing action. staff experts, "Navin Nayak, executive director of the CAP Action Fund, told the Daily Beast. "The discussions on how to do it are just beginning, but we will try to reinvent it as a different platform for incremental change."

Many staff members will lose their jobs, while some are now employed elsewhere.

Staff members unionized in 2015 as a result of editorial conflicts. They then tried to oppose the editorial control of the CAP leaders.


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