This custom "hyperfisheye" lens can see behind itself – TechCrunch


If you're doing ordinary photography and videography, it's rarely necessary to go beyond extreme wide-angle lenses, but why be ordinary? This custom and absurd fisheye lens has a 270-degree field of view, which means it can see behind the camera on which it's mounted – or rather the camera mounted on he.

It's certainly a bit of fun for Lens Rentals, the company that set it up, but it's quite real and maybe even useful. Their detailed documentation of how they are piecing together piece by piece is fascinating (at least I found it that way) and gives an idea of ​​the possible complexity of lens assemblies. Of course, this one is not quite standard, but still.

The prototype Hyperfisheye C-4 Optics 4.9mm f / 3.5, as it is called (hereinafter "the lens"), appeared for the first time as what seemed at the time to be an April Fool's joke. at best semi-serious. "The flying saucer," as they called it, AKA, the Light Bender, AKA, the mother of all Fisheye lenses, included a vaguely plausible optical diagram showing the path of light moving from the bottom of its sight, at about 45 degrees to the rear of the camera.

Sure why not? Because it's ridiculous, that's why not!

But the beautiful bastards did it anyway, and the results are as ridiculous as you can imagine. There are lenses that produce images at more than 180 degrees, but 270 really exceed them. Here's what the output looks like, raw at the top and corrected below:

Of course, you would not want this for snapshots. It would be for very high-resolution, high-resolution shots that you would use to go back to something that looks like an ordinary field of view or to integrate any experience into a virtual reality or virtual reality experience.

The camera must be installed between the legs that support the lens, which is probably a tedious process to undertake. The huge lens cap, or "lens cap," also serves as an upside down support for the task.

It's a fun project that adds another strange thing to the world (two, technically, because they've built a second one), so I support it wholeheartedly. Unfortunately, as this is a "passion project", it will not be available for rent. So you'll be stuck with something like the Nikon 6mm f / 2.8, with its derisory field of view at 220 degrees. What is the point?


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