This featurette delves into the design of Star Trek: Section 31 of Discovery


Michelle Yeoh in her Section 31 outfit.
Image: CBS

Section 31. The mystery of Starfleet which is a little less mysterious than it was. Star Trek: Discovery has invested heavily in exploring the organization and its ambiance. In a new behind-the-scenes video, the creators of the show give a glimpse of how they conceived the look and feel of the clandestine group.

In the end, it all started with the dark and elegant badge used to identify its members. From there, the leather, the black, the perverse and sullen atmosphere of the outfits of section 31.

"It's like walking all the time in dominatrix and having fun with it," says Michelle Yeoh.

From there, the video tackles the magnificent set of Section 31, very angular, as well as the advanced design of their supports. It's a good look at how Discovery worked to give this mysterious group a visual and stylistic identity, an identity that will undoubtedly be a determining factor in the next round of Section 31 led by Michelle Yeoh.

There is a lot of room to debate whether section 31 is far-reaching Star Trek; we certainly have. But it's hard to doubt that Discovery did a lot of work to give them an intriguing and mysterious appearance. Although they are also quite threatening.


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