This Fortnite concept for animated loading screens could be a great addition to Season 8


The season 8 of Fortnite is fast approaching and this loading screen concept could become a great addition to the season.

Fortnite will soon start season 8 and we still do not have many ideas on what will happen.

Epic Games usually does a good job adding interesting charging screens every season, but this concept could actually increase performance dramatically.

Season 7 had a animated loading screen for the Lynx skinbut it was not up to Fishstick's.

In one publish on Reddit, the user Liqood has created a concept of animated loading screen including Fishstick skin.

FortNiteBR Controlled Fish Stick Loading Screen

The loading screen in 13 seconds shows the fish skin eating a shrimp and then looking around, probably realizing what he had just done.

It would be interesting to see Epic Games add animated screens like this one and it seems like a lot of players agree.

The Reddit publication has over 9,000 positive votes and one user has awarded the publication with Reddit Silver.

There are many possibilities for animated loading screens. So we are curious to know if Epic Games could offer something.

Do you have ideas for animated loading screens in Fortnite? Let us know below!


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