This game Alien High School must stage an Encore performance for Ridley herself


Sigourney Weaver as Ellen Ripley.
Image: Disney / Fox

One of the coolest works of recent memory is an adaptation of the original Extraterrestrial film, performed by a high school theatrical program from New Jersey, with local accessories and a compelling xenomorph.

We have already covered this piece on io9 and it's a pleasure to discover that last night, Extraterrestrial Day (4/26, because LV-426, of course), the show has not only a booster performance, but an incredible guest. As reported Deadline, Sigourney Weaver, the actress famous for her role as Ellen Ripley in Extraterrestrial and its aftermaths, showed up to rousing reminder performance, along with 800 other delighted public members.

Weaver also met with the students and spoke to the audience saying, "Is it exciting to be here tonight? It's only been a few hours since I'm here, but I can say that it's a very special place in a very special city, and in a school like this, you have amazing teachers … great. "

I can not imagine a more nerdy validation than Sigourney Weaver posing for your Extraterrestrial production of fans. Sometimes the fans are really cool, everyone.

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