This iconic moment 'Game Of Thrones & # 39; can have a Doggone hole Hole hole


Warning: spoilers for "Game of Thrones" below!

"Battle of the Bastards" of season 6 is undoubtedly one of the most popular episodes of "Game of Thrones".

"BoB" is one of the biggest shows in the history of the series. Jon Snow (Kit Harington) and his army face almost insurmountable obstacles against a much more powerful force led by Ramsay Bolton (Iwan Rheon). He delivers a moment to another after another: Jon's attack on the battlefield, the horses run in all directions, Rickon (Art Parkinson) never learns to zigzag.

There is so much going on that they even interrupted the live broadcast of the New York L-train at rush hours:

With a little help from the Knights of the Val looking like Gandalf at the last second, the Stark forces come first, and Jon will blame Ramsay and Sansa (Sophie Turner) feeding Lord Bolton to his own dogs. . .

It's brutal; it's powerful; it's perfect. And it could also be a plot.

Let's move on to the last moments between Sansa and Ramsay:

Ramsay and his dogs getting closer, he states that his dogs will never "hurt him", which led to this exchange in the script, which you can find on the Emmys website:

SansaYou have not fed them for seven days. You said it yourself.

All kennel cages are open. Nine skinny dogs squat and smile, licking their chins, sniffing the air.

Ramsay: They are faithful animals.

Sansa: They were. Now, they are starving.

Ramsay is of course turned into Kibbles' n Bits. Sansa walks away smiling, satisfied with the way she has thrown Ramsay's threat to her hungry dogs to the ground.

But after watching the scene again and again, a detail bothered us.

How did Sansa know that Ramsay had not fed his dogs?

Sansa's sentence on dogs that are not fed is the moment "oh shit" for Ramsay. It's when he really understands that his time is up. But seeing the episode again, you realize she was not even there when he boasted about the hunger of his dogs.

Let's go back to the day before the battle when Sansa and Jon met Ramsay.

Jon suggests that Ramsay and him come to settle the fight in one against one, which is very convenient for Jon. Ramsay is like "Nah", which is a very thing to do Ramsay. He makes fun of the Starks by saying that he captured Rickon and proves it with the severed head of Ricky's terrible Wolf Shaggydog.

"You will die tomorrow, Lord Bolton," she said. "Sleep well."

According to the scenario, the Winterfell Lady brings back the two points, and she gets out of there.

She turns around and goes away.

Ramsay smiles and shakes his head.

Here is Sansa en route:

Only then does Ramsay mention his hungry dogs:

RamsayShe's a good woman, your sister. I can not wait to find her in my bed.

He looks over the gathered men facing him.

Ramsay: And you are all beautiful men. My dogs are desperate to meet you. I have not fed them for seven days. They are voracious! I wonder what parts they will try first. Your eyes? Your balls? We will know it soon enough.

What we are saying is that Sansa leaves definitely before Ramsay talks about his dogs.

So, the only way that Sansa has heard about hungry dogs is for a while off screen, which was generally an accepted answer when some viewers raised the issue about Reddit in 2016. However, the scenarios in which this would happen are somewhat improbable.

Jon did not return to the camp and said to Sansa, "Ermahgerd! Ramsay will feed us to his dogs! He has not fed them for seven days!

It would be an unproductive conversation the night before a battle.

Another possibility: Jon could have either set up Ramsay to die in the kennel or tell Sansa how to kill him. After all, when Ramsay was beaten and the Starks took over Winterfell, she asks Jon, "Where is he?"

But does the script also refute this theory?

Jon keeps beating Ramsay because he understands that Sansa wants to be the one who will get him out:

Sansa, Littlefinger and Davos arrive by the broken door. Hearing their horses, Jon turns to see them.

He does not care about Davos or Littlefinger right now. He only looks at Sansa.

She turns to him and to Ramsay.

Jon realizes that Ramsay is not killing.

Sansa must do it. It is doubtful that Jon stopped beating Ramsay so that the two men could have a quick brainstorming session. It's Sansa's moment, not someone else's.

Since Sansa is repeating Ramsay's words, the only option is to assume that someone has told him off-screen. Between the babies in the shade and the resurrections, let's face it, it has happened more crazy things than an off-screen conversation.

However, "Game of Thrones" has had little hiccups in the past. Jon Snow's Valyrian sword seemed a little chewy, some characters had the wrong name by name and there was that time when Melisandre (Carice van Houten), who would have needed to wear a necklace to stay young, in season 4 and was totally unchanged.

The possible plot does not have the effect of making "Battle of the Bastards" less incredible, but with the end of "Game of Thrones", it's time to think about all the questions that remain unanswered.

And doggone it, those hungry dogs have always made us paws.


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