This is Donald Trump's America


"Most Americans (70%) say they are not disturbed when they hear people speak a language other than English in a public place, including 47% who say they do not. would not mind at all, yet a sizeable portion (29%) said it would bother them at least some. "

For example, three out of ten Americans say that people who have heard speak speak a language other than English in public, which bothers them. That includes 11% who said that it bothered them "a lot" and 18% who admitted that it bothered them "some".

Dig in the numbers and things get even more difficult. Among white Republicans and Republican voters, fully 47% say that it would bother them a lot (20%) or some (27%) to hear a language other than English spoken in public. Only one in four (26%) of this group stated that hearing a foreign language in public would not bother them at all. (In contrast, 58% of White Democrats and Democratic voters said that hearing a language other than English would not bother them at all.)

Figures like these explain how a person like Donald Trump – a political gadfly with no real ideology – went to the Republican nomination for president, won the White House and oversaw a total overhaul of the GOP since his accession to the presidency.

Trump's candidacy was based on fear of the other. People who did not think like you and, indeed, looked like you, were invading this country. And they took it from you. (The "you" tended to be white – and men in particular.) The whole notion of "Make America Great Again" was: a) it was not great now and b) at an earlier time – before PC the crop took over – it was great.

Do you remember that from Trump's announcement? "The United States has become a dump for the problems of all the others," said Trump. "When Mexico sends its inhabitants, they do not send the best, they do not send you, they do not send you, they send people who have a lot of problems and bring us these problems." They bring drugs. They introduce crimes. They are rapists. And some, I suppose, are good people. "

Or this of Trump's inaugural speech? "The forgotten men and women of our country will no longer be forgotten."

This rhetoric has continued since Trump came to the White House. In discussing the impact of immigration on Europe in 2018, Trump said: "I just think it changes culture, I think it's a very negative thing for Europe I know it's not politically correct to say that, but I will say and I will say it loudly. "

I think it's all too easy to call every racist in Trump a racist student. (Some, very clearly, were.) But what is clear, is that Trump's candidacy – and his presidency – have benefited from alienation and anger born of this alienation among a block of white conservatives that "their" country was taken away from them. And that they could not even speak in protest for fear of being shouted by the PC police.

Pew figures show that things have not really changed much since November 2016 in this regard.

PointAs Trump prepares to run for a second term, he will look more and more into the discontent and alienation of white Republicans. And, if Pew is to be believed, his message will find fertile ground.


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