This long-awaited Nokia 5G flagship is finally coming (relatively) soon


This long-awaited Nokia 5G flagship is finally coming (relatively) soon

While HMD Global has been quite busy for the first six months of 2021, the release of a few new Nokia-branded devices around the world, that high-end smartphone we’ve been waiting for since 2019 is still nowhere to be found … both on store shelves and even in the rumor mill lately.

The painfully long wait for a handset called successively Nokia 9.1, 9.2, and 9.3 PureView could finally close in the (relatively) near future, although the official trade name of the company’s next flagship remains highly unresolved.
Since the upper midrange The Nokia 8.3 5G is unlikely to receive a similarly-branded suite after the recent introductions of the X10, X20, G10, and G20, it makes sense that HMD will soon adopt an X60 (or X60 Pro) moniker.
This could point to a first alternative to the iPhone 13 in China apparently confirmed for a regional launch “before” on November 11. According to a new IT Home report (via Gizchina), this confirmation comes straight from a top executive at HMD, who unfortunately has no additional information to share about this long-awaited Nokia-branded Android flagship.
Although a recent crazy rumor has hinted at the possibility that the The Nokia X60 5G could run Huawei’s HarmonyOS instead of the world’s most popular mobile operating system, the latter company itself refuting this speculation.
Of course, it didn’t take a rocket scientist to figure out that this would have been a completely unnecessary risk for a not-so-successful smartphone brand looking to return to high-end gaming almost three years after its previous losing bet.
It remains to be seen how this X60 will end up looking like the hapless Nokia 9 PureView, with existing rumors calling for some pretty crazy specs including a 200 MP (!!!) main Zeiss camera (!!!), 6000mAh battery capacity, and 144 display refresh rate technology Silky Hz.

In case you were wondering, the aforementioned date of November 11 was not chosen at random for this confirmation, representing a very important deadline as the biggest day of physical retail and online shopping at world.

Granted, the 5G-enabled Nokia X60 could technically arrive anytime between now and China Singles Day, but something tells us we’ll at least have to wait until fall to see HMD try their hand at a really high phone again. range.


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