This mod Fallout 4 kawaii you enough?


So out of date

It's been a minute since I thought about Fallout 4. Of all the death threats I've received when I gave her a respectable rating of 7.5 before anyone actually plays it, I liked the sweet sound of "in fact, it just sounds "after its publication. That's no New Vegasbut again, what is it?

I'm really considering restarting it after witnessing this ridiculous little, which has met the compliments of my office from our own Deadmoon. She calls herself "Animerace Nanakochan" and transforms all the women in the game into cartoon characters. It's literally another breed that's added to Fallout 4, which makes it easier to implement than normal and allows "most hairstyles". You can download it here, from the hiyokomod modder, who believes that VRoid Studio has worked a lot on the legs.

Although this is far from being Fallout: the animethere is somebody somewhere who is planning a complete sequel to turn Fallout 4 in something else entirely: a A piece The adventure where we discover that the One Piece was the friends we made along the way is always an option. As it is a punching simulation Saitama. One of them already exists.

Fortunately, in this era of monetization, free mods are still proliferating, despite the best efforts of the publisher.

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