This one Tweet reminds his fans that Jenelle Evans is a monster!


There is something to be said for being happy with what you have, but Jenelle Evans recently went on Twitter to tell Mother's Day. She noted that although the event was not what she had planned, she had received a lot of flowers and that was enough. The tweet provoked a frenzy among the fans and now, the few media that remained seemed to abandon the troubled star.

Why are people so crazy about Jenelle's tweet?

Jenelle's tweet arrived at an inconvenient moment. The mother of three was seen removing her middle child just two days before sending the message on social media. Kaiser was taken directly from his kindergarten and handed over to Nathan Griffith's family. Griffith is the father of the boy. He has been fighting with Jenelle about the custody of the child in recent years. Griffith has long claimed that Eason posed a threat to the health and well-being of children in his care.

The tweet also arrived shortly after Barbara Evans refused Jace to visit Jenelle on her property. Jace is the eldest of Jenelle's children. Barbara kept this 9-year-old child for years, but he regularly visited Jenelle. Rumor has it that Barbara and Jenelle disagree over the custody of David Eason and Jace.

David Eason and Jenelle Evans
Jenelle Evans and David Eason | Photo of Alo Ceballos / GC Images

A few days after sending the tweet, Jenelle sent another message via a public statement. according to We weekly, Evans says she strives to do her best for her family. The announcement was issued after Eston and Evans appeared in court over custody of Kaiser, Ensley, 2, and Maryssa, Eason's daughter. None of the children were returned to the couple.

Fans respond to Jenelle's tweet

Fans responded visibly to Jenelle's tweet. At the time of writing
the tweet has collected over 400 comments, and not one seems to be positive.
A Twitter user wrote; & # 39; Are you serious ???? CPS took Kaiser away, did not
lets you see Jace and you are still a happy mom ?? How are you sick ??? I
would die if I could not see my child, the last thing to think would be to ask
milk a goat and be happy, monster !!!

The message also contained memes suggesting that Jenelle was both crazy and in danger. Fans have long feared that Eason is violent towards Jenelle and her kids. The incident that triggered CPS's involvement, the death of the Nugget family dog, did absolutely nothing to quell those fears.

The fans, however, seem to have lost all respect for Jenelle.
Not only has she apparently abandoned her job for Eason, but she is now ready to
give up seeing all his children in the name of working at his wedding.


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