This robot hits you in real life when you're touched in VR


If you like the immersive experience of fighting games in virtual reality, but you feel that it does not miss the component of physical damage, this robot is for you. Robotics engineer and YouTube creator James Bruton has teamed up with students at Portsmouth University to create a robot that fights humans in real life while playing virtual reality.

The robot rotates on a wooden base and has pneumatic piercing arms made from 3D printed parts and foot pumps. It is powered by an Arduino Mega interface while the Vive trackers in the room follow the robot's arms, as well as the player's helmets and baseball bat. The robot's movements are synchronized with a custom-made virtual reality game, and he wears boxing gloves to mitigate the shock so that the players are not murdered.

It's a pretty fun concept, but it seems like an idea created by people who have only been children. If you want to be touched in real life, can I suggest becoming a big brother?


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