This Roomba howls when it goes into things and honestly, same


Is there anything more frustrating than cleaning? Especially when you do the housework reluctantly and something goes wrong, as if you spilled the whole bottle of floor cleaner because you stupidly put it right next to the door, then your sister came in and struck? That's good Roomba know how you feel

YouTuber Michael Reeves has reworked a Roomba, one of those cleaning devices that automatically detects dirt and chases it, like a horrible pet that does not stop cleaning, and has it screaming in frustration when he hit walls and objects.

On his YouTube channel, he delves deeply into his work – showing that he attaches to the device a Bluetooth speaker, a touch sensor and a small computer that swears and yells with anger instead of just … beeping or anything normally.

I need it like I need air to breathe, to be honest.


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