This trailer of Left 4 Dead 3 is very well done, but also very wrong


Will not be fooled

It's a tale that is almost 10 years old at this point: Valve fans are constantly disappointed, they do not really want to have too much hope. Why would they do it? The valve showed no inclination to do Half-Life 3, Portal 3, or Left 4 dead 3.

Which brings us to this mysterious trailer claiming to be from a third party Left for dead. It seems very good. He is in a bad mood and discouraged in every possible way – slow firing through the environment, increasing urgency and increasing despair as the trailer moves forward. Fantastic stuff.

The only problem is that we all know that it is not real. When (or if) Valve decides to continue using one of these legendary franchises, the marketing track does not start with a suspicious new YouTube account and by a video title just a random file name. But, on the plus side, someone has a very neat teaser to add to his professional portfolio.

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