This video of Samsung Galaxy Fold shows that he is ready to bend thousands of times


A new video of Samsung Galaxy Fold presents the next foldable phone subject to a torture test less than a month after the official release date.

Samsung's official video of 30 seconds shows that the phone is folded and folded by sophisticated devices. In addition, the Infinity Flex display leaves no visible sign.

According to Samsung, the Galaxy Fold can last more than 200,000 folds and unfolds, which is enough for five years of intensive use – if folded 100 times a day.

The Samsung Galaxy Fold is equipped with a 7.3-inch mini-screen, the size of a tablet, which folds in half towards the inside. On the outside, a 4.6-inch screen gives you a friendly phone.

Why is this video so important?

It's worth noting that, according to Samsung, this folding test takes a week and is excessive for some. But the hinge of the device introduces new moving parts.

In fact, sustainability has been the biggest obstacle to the introduction of folding phones, according to several industry sources with which we have discussed in the past.

This is why the exams and long-term tests of Samsung Galaxy Fold will be of paramount importance, and this goes for every foldable phone launch in 2019.

The Galaxy Fold promises to stay resilient. Has Samsung solved the biggest problem with foldable phone technology, or will it be Huawei Mate X? We will know it on April 26th.


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