Thousands of fetus remains found at an American doctor specialized in abortion


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The remains of more than 2,000 fetuses have been found at the home of a former abortion physician in Illinois.

Dr. Ulrich Klopfer's family discovered the remains by sorting the doctor's belongings after his death on 3 September.

Dr. Klopfer had a clinic in South Bend, Indiana, which closed when his license was revoked in 2016.

He was accused of failing to report to the authorities the abortions performed on a 13-year-old girl.

He also failed to ensure that staff were present during the proceedings, reported AP.

The doctor, whose records show that he was an osteopathic doctor, said that he had never lost a patient in 43 years of abortions.

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"Women are getting pregnant, not men," said Dr. Klopfer at the hearing, according to the New York Times. "We have to respect women who make a decision that they think is the best of their lives, I'm not here to dictate to anyone, I'm not here to judge anyone."

The authorities discovered the remains of 2,246 fetuses in total.

The coroner's office took possession of the body and opened an investigation.

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