THQ Nordic announces two announcements regarding the "E3" game regarding its "beloved franchises"


Time splitters
(Photo: THQ Nordic)

There is only one month left before the start of E3. Even if some big players miss the show this year, there will always be plenty of ads, trailers and more. And as was the case last year, THQ Nordic will be present at the show in a significant way. This time, the publisher promises not one, but two ads of beloved franchise players who will be delighted to return. Specifically, THQ Nordic claims that one of the games is a "new vision for a beloved franchise", while the other is a "long awaited return of a beloved game / franchise". Unfortunately, these are the only details that the publisher has disclosed.

So, the question is: what are these games? Well, that could be a lot of things. THQ Nordic sits on a PI war chest. It could be a new game in any of these franchises: TimeSplitters, Red Faction, Destroy's All Humans !, Paria, Kay's Legend, or Kingdoms of Amular. He owns a ton of intellectual property rights, but based on what he has, it seems to be the most notable of those intellectual property rights for which he has not created a new game. since recently.

As you may know, THQ Nordic does not have its own presser. Therefore, these two games will probably be revealed either just before the show starts or after all the pressers have finished.

If we make assumptions, I bet on red faction and Destroy all humans!. I think a new TimeSplitters arrives, but is not ready yet. After all, the IP address was required only in August last year. Anyway, since the E3 will be much lighter this year without Sony and the others, it is good to see that fans of at least two franchises will soon be at the rendezvous.

Whatever it is, as always, do not hesitate to leave a comment letting us know what you think or hit me on Twitter @Tyler_Fischer_ and let me know there. Which IP address do you want THQ Nordic to take you back (if you do not know which IP address it has acquired, here is a list)?

Thank you, Gaming Bolt.


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