Three out of nine state-owned companies have filed for bankruptcy since Trump promised to "bring back coal" – Raw Story


The promises made by President Donald Trump to coal miners have been broken with his other broken campaign promises. Another state faces the harsh reality that Trump does not ride on a white horse to save them.

According to Axios, three of the nine coal companies in the Powder River Basin in northeastern Wyoming filed for bankruptcy and two other companies are being consolidated. Kentucky coal miners are protesting Blackjewl, which filed for bankruptcy in July, removing dollars from miners' salaries. However, there has been little talk of Wyoming workers as these companies collapse.

Wyoming is one of the largest coal-producing regions in the United States, but the promises made by the Western government have done little to save an outdated and declining sector. Not only has Trump been running out of significant action, but representative Liz Cheney (R-WY) also seems too busy fighting with Iran to pay attention to his country. ;origin.

Democrats were looking for another way, proposing retraining programs for minors and helping to find them a job. The miners, as well as their companies, have overwhelmingly supported Trump and the GOP in 2016. Trump has tried to put in place regulations that prevent coal from polluting, but that has not helped because free markets have opted for more options. affordable.

Read the full report on Axios.

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