Three people killed and two officers injured in a 17-hour confrontation at Atlanta House


The clashes began when two Georgian policemen were shot and wounded in a 16-year-old boy and his pregnant mother, both killed by an armed gunman who was later killed, the authorities said.

Both officers reacted to family unrest on Thursday morning when they were attacked by the gunman, who then barricaded himself inside the house. The clashes lasted 15 hours when police asked the gunman to release the teenager from his home in Stockbridge, south of Atlanta.

A dramatic video from the police body's cameras shows a chaotic scene, with the officers ambushing almost immediately after breaking down the door of the house. The video shows one of the officers injured and dragging his rifle on the lawn to get himself safe.

The police were initially optimistic, claiming that a negotiator was talking to the gunman, identified by police Friday as being Anthony Tony Bailey Jr., 47, of Atlanta.

"With communication with the individual, at least he speaks – it's helpful," said Henry County Police Captain Joey Smith at a press conference Thursday after -midday. "We will wait as long as possible."

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However, late on Thursday night, the shooter had refused to surrender and did not want to "prove the well-being" of the teenager and the woman on the inside. The commanders therefore decided to deploy gas in the house, the police said.

"The suspect shot many bullets at SWAT officers and vehicles," police said in a social media bulletin on Thursday.

Finally, on Friday before dawn, the police forced their way into the house and found three bodies.

Smith identified the victims as Arkeyvion White, 16, and her mother, Sandra White, who was more than eight months pregnant. Arkeyvion and Bailey were found dead in a room on the floor; and Sandra White was found in the garage, Smith said.

Sandra White was a nurse from the WellStar health system who was working to get more training through Georgia Southern University, her sister Anetria White told reporters. She said that Arkeyvion was playing football at Dutchtown High School, nearby.

"I do not know what to say, if you come to your sister's house and see her dead in the garage and you wait until 11 am until you find out that the three are gone," White said. declared to the affiliate of CBS WGCL.


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