Tiger attacks topeka zoo: Tiger will not be euthanized after attacking a zookeeper today


A tiger attacks a zookeeper in Kansas

A 7-year-old Sumerian tiger attacked and wounded a female zoo keeper at a Kansas Zoo Saturday morning, authorities said. The attack was reported around 9:30 am at Topeka Zoo and the victim was transported to a local hospital where she is in a stable state, officials said.

Zoo director Brendan Wiley said the main keeper of the zoo was in a stable state. The tiger, named Sanjiv, attacked the coach in his outdoor habitat. She suffered lacerations and punctures on the back of the head, neck and back. Wiley said that there was "no consideration" for euthanasia of the tiger.

"The Sumatran tiger, Sanjiv, has simply reacted as it is normal for a tiger to do it," said Wiley.

The incident, which lasted less than 10 minutes, occurred while the zoo was open to the public and others were witnessing it. Town of Topeka spokeswoman Molly Hadfield told CBS News that the zoo had closed for 45 minutes but had reopened.

The tiger has been placed in a detention area and the tigers will not be exposed for the rest of the day, said Hadfield. Zoo director Brendan Wiley said there was "no consideration" for euthanasia of the tiger. The incident is under investigation.

According to the zoo's Facebook page, the tiger was reportedly transferred from Akron Zoo to Topeka in 2017. Wiley said Sanjiv had recently spawned four critically endangered cubs.

Sanjiv, a male Sumatran tiger, joined us tonight at Topeka Zoo, on the recommendation of AZA's Species Survival …

Posted by Topeka Zoo on Tuesday 8 August 2017

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