Tiger Woods car crash: Police determine cause, but details will not be released due to privacy concerns


Evidence as to why Tiger Woods slid his SUV over a midline and crashed into a Los Angeles-area ditch in late February has been uncovered, but the public may never know. According to the Associated Press on Wednesday, officials from the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department downloaded and analyzed the black box from Woods’ mutilated car, but they are not releasing the information – at least not yet.

The Los Angeles County Sheriff said detectives had determined what caused Tiger Woods to crash his SUV last month in Southern California, but would not release details on Wednesday, citing problems privacy policy not specified for the golf star.

Woods crashed his car in the early morning hours of February 23 and was immediately rushed to Harbor-UCLA Medical Center, where he was treated for serious but non-fatal lower body injuries. Tiger had no recollection of the events either at the crash scene or later when he was taken to hospital, according to an affidavit for a search warrant obtained by USA today.

All along, the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department has maintained that the whole incident was an accident. At first they called it “purely an accident”, although later they went back on that statement. Either way, they’ve now come to an official response that may never be released.

“We have contacted Tiger Woods and his staff,” Sheriff Alex Villanueva said at a social media event Wednesday, according to the AP. “There are confidentiality issues when disclosing information about the investigation, so we will ask them if they are waiving confidentiality and then we can publish a full publication on all information regarding the accident.”

The odds of Woods’ team doing this seem pretty low. He is deemed private and his team never discloses more information than is absolutely necessary. It would be astounding if they approved of the publication of this information.

It was determined at the scene of the accident that Woods was not weakened and therefore Woods’ blood was not requested from the hospital by the Sheriff’s Department. As USA today noted in early March, there would have to be a probable cause of a crime to obtain medical data. Getting the black box was a much lower bar (only probable cause of a crime was needed) and a much more routine part of any investigation.

“The crash or collision investigators have issued a search warrant to essentially seize the vehicle’s black box,” Villanueva said on March 3. “And that’s it. And they’re going to go through and see if they can find out how the vehicle was performing, what happened at the time of impact. And with that, they’ll have more information than ‘They can attribute it to the cause of the crash. And that’s it, and we’ll leave it at that, okay? “

Woods revealed on March 16 that he returned home to Florida after surgery on at least one of his legs and a prolonged recovery process in California. He is not expected to show up to the Masters next week, where he is a five-time champion, and there is no timeline as to his return to professional golf (if ever).


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