Tiger Woods sued for drunk driver's death


Tiger Woods before a training session on a golf course in Farmingdale, NY, on May 13, 2019
Photo: Associated Press

Parents of a drunk driver killed in a car accident last year sued Tiger Woods in court, accusing him and his girlfriend of poisoning their son and getting behind the wheel.

In a lawsuit filed on Monday, Nicolas F. Immesberger's parents stated that their son, who was working as a bartender at the Jupiter golfer in Florida, at The Woods restaurant, had been drinking excessively after his The Los Angeles Times reports.

In addition, they say that Woods' girlfriend, Erica Herman, the restaurant manager, recruited Immesberger as a bartender when he knew he was an alcoholic.

Immesberger died on December 10 after losing control of his car on a Florida highway, according to the Times. His blood alcohol level was 0.256, more than three times the legal limit.

The parents of Immesberger, co-managers of his estate, assert in their lawsuit that after the end of their son's quarter, "The employees, management and owners of The Woods served a young man whom they knew that he was suffering from alcoholism, "reports CBS News.

According to the complaint, Immesberger drank for about three hours before The Woods employees "[sent Immesberger] to his car to drive home. As a result of this negligence, Immesberger crashed into his vehicle and died. "

Neither Woods nor Herman were in the restaurant that night, reports the Times. However, as CBS notes, the complaint contends that as the owner, Woods is "directly responsible for ensuring that its employees and management" do not supervise its employees and customers.

Journalists met with Woods at a PGA press conference in Bethpage, Long Island, New York.

"We are all very sad that Nick died," Woods said of the suit. "It was a terrible night, a terrible end. And we feel bad for him and his whole family. It's very sad. "


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