Tim Cook says Apple is working on new ideas for Screen Time to combat device dependence


The world has changed dramatically in the last ten years. Discover pedestrians walking on the sidewalk in any city and most of them are looking at the phone screen. Inside a restaurant, a family dinner can become a moment of projection for everyone, including tablets brought by parents to entertain the younger ones. ABC News 20/20 magazine recently featured a screen-time show compiled by a particular family and including an interview with Apple CEO Tim Cook.

Cook said that if Apple makes money selling the iPhone to families, it does not want them to use the phone a lot. While one poll revealed that half of parents feared that their kids would become addicted to their gadgets, last year Apple added a new feature to the iPhone in the hope of giving more control to parents. The screen duration indicates the time that an iPhone user spends on each application and the number of notifications that each application sends to it. Once the profile is defined, the user can limit the time spent on certain applications. With a secret secret code for parents (trick: do not use Dad123 or Mom123), parents can get a report on the weekly use of their children's apps and set limits for certain apps accordingly.
Screen time ,. The Apple solution to combat screen dependence

Screen time ,. The Apple solution to combat screen dependence

The executive pointed out that Apple was not interested in parenting activities. He says that there are no standards for parenting, so no standards on time spent in front of a screen. "People have different views on what should be allowed and not," he said. But Cook did say that Apple was only giving parents the necessary control to limit the use of the application by their children if they felt it was necessary. He added that Apple was working on a way to create age limits for apps and require parental approval for certain titles. The company also wants to label the music with explicit language. The problem is to find a unique solution for all. "A fix is ​​set differently for you, me and everyone … you know, what might be reasonable for me could be totally unreasonable for my neighbor," Cook said. "I get notes from parents all the time, they have good ideas, and I'm sure there will be more things we do."

Again, Tim Cook states that Apple device users are not the product of the company

During the interview, Cook admitted that he had himself discovered that he was recovering his iPhone 200 times a day, twice as much as he thought. The executive admitted that, knowing that this figure had not led to a reduction in its use on iPhone, it had however reduced the number of applications that sent him notifications.

In addition to the dependence on the screen, the issue addressed the issue of user privacy, another interesting problem. Apple's CEO has repeated a line he's been using since the Facebook Analytica scandal broke out early last year. "You are not our product," Cook said. He added, "Our products are iPhones and iPads, we cherish your data, we want to help you, maintain your privacy and security, we're here." To support this latest statement, the executive called for a "comprehensive federal law on privacy protection". Earlier this year, it introduced a bill that would legally protect the consumer's right to ask companies to collect the minimum amount of personal data needed, to explain precisely the data collected and why it is needed. Mr. Cook says his bill should also give consumers the right to obtain, correct and delete their personal data. "People who monitor the Internet know a lot more about you than if someone was looking out the window, much more," Cook said.


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