TIME Magazine's "Most Influential" List Reveals Who's On Which Side In Washington


The list of the 100 most influential figures of TIME magazine in 2019 reveals exactly who supports in Washington, former and current Democratic presidential candidates gathered behind the representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, the president of the House of Representatives, Nancy Pelosi, and The accuser of Brett Kavanaugh, Christine Blasey Ford.

Hillary Clinton, former secretary of state, congratulated Pelosi for reconquering the House and standing up to President Trump.

"Too often, it seems that our national policy is surplus and deficient. But then there's President Nancy Pelosi, "wrote Clinton.

"There's a saying that says," If you want something done, have a busy woman do it. "President Nancy Pelosi is living proof that when it comes to doing the job, more often than not, it takes a woman." she added, noting that under his leadership, "the Democrats have passed the first major legislation on firearms safety in a generation".

Warren takes the landmarks of the AOC

But as Clinton picks a safe institution, presidential candidate Elizabeth Warren chooses to embrace Ocasio-Cortez, New York's young democrat who was recently targeted by Pelosi's taunts over her alleged influence on Democrats of Congress.

"His commitment to put power in the hands of the people is on fire," Warren wrote about the so-called Socialist Democrat. "Coming from a family in crisis and finishing her education with a mountain of debt, she fought against a rigged system and became a fearless leader in a movement committed to demonstrating what a functioning economy, planet, and government for all should look like. "


"… she fought against a rigged system and emerged as a fearless leader of a movement committed to demonstrating what an economy, a planet and a government that works for everyone should look like."

– Elizabeth Warren

Warren added that today, "millions of people rely on" Ocasio-Cortez when just a year ago, she "placed orders in a bar."

"It reminds us all that even if greed and corruption slow our progress, even if lobbying armies invade Washington, in our democracy, the real power still belongs to the people. And she's just started, "she wrote.

The senator has adopted Ocasio-Cortez since her arrival at Congress, though she seems to have a completely opposite view of capitalism, calling it a "force for good", while the MP has qualified as "irremediable".

Despite the disagreement, Warren co-sponsored the Green New Deal, a radical redesign of the economy aimed at reducing emissions, which would cost up to $ 93 trillion or $ 600,000 per household, though 39, she is somewhat removed from it after the official speech. launching the proposal, claiming that she only supports "the idea" of the proposal.

Christie rediscovers love for Trump

On the Republican side, former New Jersey governor Chris Christie congratulated President Trump on his foreign policy achievements.

"Every modern American president is trying to influence the world. President Donald Trump has done this by opposing NATO countries that are not paying their fair share, pushing China and its North American neighbors for fairer trade deals and withdrawing from the Iranian nuclear deal, "wrote Christie.

President Donald Trump shakes hands with New Jersey Governor Chris Christie at an opioid and addiction session.

President Donald Trump shakes hands with New Jersey Governor Chris Christie at an opioid and addiction session.
(Associated Press)

"His most daring move in this direction is probably his personal efforts on the issue of North Korea. In fact, President Trump used it last year to mark a problem that spans more than six decades, "he continued.

"President Trump deserves credit for daring to personally persuade President Kim to join the family of nations. This approach offers the possibility that historical changes in the Korean peninsula will make us all safer. "

"President Trump deserves credit for daring to personally persuade President Kim to join the family of nations. This approach offers the possibility that historical changes in the Korean peninsula will make us all safer. "

– Chris Christie


Christie's latest eulogy confirms his support for the president. Initially a vicious critic of Trump during the 2016 campaign – even by calling him a potential "chief artist", he became one of the main substitutes for the president.

However, he quarreled with the administration during the post-election transition process and accused Trump's son-in-law, Jared Kushner, of conceiving his ouster. He later criticized the administration for its negotiating tactics and its staff.

Earlier this year, he also said at an appearance in Stephen Colbert's Late Show that he would have been a better president than Trump.

Colbert questioned Christie about his relationship with President Trump by telling him "he will throw anyone under the bus", which the former governor replied: "You think I do not know "I got fired from the transition."

McConnell's praise for Kavanaugh

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell paid a heartfelt tribute to Justice Brett Kavanaugh of the Supreme Court, whose confirmation was made last year in the wake of turbulent and abusive hearings. 39 allegations of sexual misconduct, denouncing the "unwavering partisanship" for attempting to block his candidacy.

WASHINGTON, DC - JULY 10: (LR) Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY), Judge Brett Kavanaugh and Vice President Mike Pence pose for photographs before a meeting in McConnell's office the American capital on July 10, 2018 in Washington. . US President Donald Trump has nominated Mr. Kavanaugh to succeed former Justice Anthony Kennedy, associate member of the Supreme Court. (Photo by Chip Somodevilla / Getty Images)

WASHINGTON, DC – JULY 10: (LR) Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY), Judge Brett Kavanaugh and Vice President Mike Pence pose for photographs before a meeting in McConnell's office the American capital on July 10, 2018 in Washington. . US President Donald Trump has nominated Mr. Kavanaugh to succeed former Justice Anthony Kennedy, associate member of the Supreme Court. (Photo by Chip Somodevilla / Getty Images)
(Chip Somodevilla / Getty Images)

"When Brett Kavanaugh was chosen by the president to succeed Judge Anthony Kennedy, he was one of the most qualified candidates on the Supreme Court in modern history. He had a remarkable academic record, impeccable legal references and a prolific record of thoughtful and unbiased jurisprudence for over 10 years in the District Court Circuit Court of Appeals, "wrote McConnell.


He added: "But when unbridled partisanship and special interests sought to prevent the Senate from addressing these qualities, we also found other aspects of Justice Kavanaugh's character.

"But when partisanship and special interests tried to dissuade the Senate from looking at these qualities, we also saw other facets of Justice Kavanaugh's personality.

– Mitch McConnell, Senate Majority Leader

"The country has seen its resilience and commitment to public service. We have seen his loyal dedication to his family and friends. We have noted his unwavering respect for the law, for precedents and for the highest traditions of our country. "

McConnell played a vital role in making the Supreme Court more conservative, standing behind Kavanaugh, even as allegations of wrongdoing had been revealed at the very last moments of the confirmation process.

Kamala Harris represents Christine Blasey Ford

As a counterpoint, the presidential candidate of 2020, Kamala Harris, paid tribute to the first accuser who defended the accusations of misconduct against Kavanaugh.

"Her story, told retaining her tears, shook Washington and the country. His courage, faced with those who wanted to silence him, galvanized the Americans. And his unfathomable sacrifice, in civic sense, has shed light on how we treat victims of sexual violence, "Harris wrote.


"Christine Blasey Ford's ambition was not to become a household name, nor to be on this list. She had a good life and a successful career – and all risky to send a warning in a moment of grave consequence. "

During the confirmation hearing of the Kavanaugh case, Harris congratulated Ford and stated that she believed that her allegations, including that of Kavanaugh, would have attacked him in the 1980s during from a high school party.

"I want to thank you for your courage and I want to tell you that I believe you," the senator told him. "You have bravely advanced and I want to thank you. The story will show that you are a real profile in courage. "

The battle for collusion with Russia

The TIME list also contains tributes between the current and former Attorneys General, one praising the "principles" of Attorney General William Barr and the other extolling the merits of the "apolitical" service of Special Advocate Robert Mueller. .

"Brilliant and grounded in conservative legal principles, Barr brings a unique experience to the challenge of working at the intersection of law and politics," wrote Rosenstein.

"He knows the story, he understands the problems, he respects the employees and he will defend the principles. With Bill Barr at the helm, the rule of law is assured. "

"He knows the story, he understands the problems, he respects the employees and he will defend the principles. With Bill Barr at the helm, the rule of law is assured. "

– Rod AG Rosenstein, Deputy Secretary General


Sally Yates, the Deputy Attorney General who was fired by Trump after refusing to defend immigration policies from the administration, said Mueller's life was "governed not by a sense of entitlement but by the duty".

"Distinctly apolitical, he confuses those who can not understand a person animated by his too unusual values: honor, integrity, humility, service. He is the opposite image of the man he was to come to investigate, "Yates wrote.

"Distinctly apolitical, he confuses those who can not understand a person animated by his too unusual values: honor, integrity, humility, service. He is the opposite image of the man on whom he would finally come to investigate.

– Former Deputy AG Sally Yates

"Soldier, prosecutor, director of the FBI and when our country needed someone to unravel the interferences of the Russian elections, he served again. Taking the daily fire entering, he neither flinched nor fought back. He just did his job. For Mueller, it's always about working, never about him.

"Abominable self-promotion, as the country held its breath during its nearly two-year investigation, Mueller did not utter a single public word. And when he finished, he called as he saw it. He did his duty. "


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