Todd Phillips says the Washington Joker is a movie Marvel could not have done


From the moment we first heard about it in movie trailers and film festival reactions, it was clear that Todd Phillips Joker It's not like other cartoon movies. It's a different type of movie than we usually see in this age of comic film, and that is wanted. In a market dominated by Disney, Joker is a movie that Marvel could not do, as Phillips explained:

As Todd Phillips told The New York Times, in his opinion, Marvel is unbeatable. It's a massive and extremely successful machine that is simply too big to be conquered, and so DC can not really compete with Marvel on its terms, trying to replicate what the MCU does. But instead of taking his side and going home, the director thinks that DC should do something different, something that Marvel can not do. Something like Joker.

According to Todd Phillips, his film, a dark, violent and controversial character study of the origins of Batman's biggest villain, is something Disney's Marvel Studios simply can not do. Marvel became the giant by making PG-13-rated four-quarter-circle movies for everyone. These are blockbusters that are part of a shared cinematic universe. Just about everything Joker is not.

Of course, in theory, Marvel could make a movie rated R in the spirit of Joker for a character like Punisher or Doctor Doom, but this is not the case, because such a film would not fit in the commercial model of Marvel. Marvel, parent company and pioneer of Disney family entertainment, produces a very specific brand and type of movie, and while there are variations within these boundaries, there are still limits.

So, for all intents and purposes, Todd Phillips is absolutely right, Marvel can not make a movie like Joker.

This is by no means a qualitative judgment, but simply a statement. What Marvel can and can not do, or will not and will not do, is part of what makes the future of Deadpool at Marvel Studios so intriguing. Even more than dead Pool, Joker represents something different, something that Marvel could not do even if he hid all the accursed words.

Todd Phillips sees making movies like Joker, Marvel films can not, as a means, not beat Marvel (which seems impossible), but differentiate DC from Marvel. It's a way for DC to give its audiences something different that they will not win elsewhere. So, DC can not beat Marvel, but he can succeed in his own way. Todd Phillips may be on something and JokerThe success of DC could encourage DC to try to produce more movies than Marvel could do in the future.

Joker open the rooms on October 4th. Check out our 2019 release schedule to see all of this fall's biggest movies.


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