Tomi Lahren calls Michelle Obama "insipid" for comparing Donald Trump to "divorced dad"


Fox Nation presenter Tomi Lahren accused former First Lady Michelle Obama of inverted sexism during her appearance in "Fox & Friends" on Wednesday morning.

Lahren's critics began after Brian Kilmeade, co-host of "Fox & Friends," aired an Obama clip in which she used the analogy of a broken house to explain life to United States under President Donald Trump.

"We come from a broken family," Obama said. "We're a teenager where, you know, we're a bit unstable, you know, and having good parents, you know, is difficult, sometimes you spend weekends with a divorced father and you're having fun, but you're sick, that's what lives in America.We live somehow with a divorced father, is not it? "

After watching the clip, Kilmeade said it was for "a book event with Stephen Colbert." Really, divorced dads really – are nothing and are insensitive to the children's education? does this really have the analogy that she thinks effective? "

Lahren responded by saying that Obama was making fun of single fathers.

"Well, I think Michelle Obama is becoming incredibly tasteless, and to use that kind of language to attack the president, I'm not very shocked or surprised, but I'll say this: can you imagine if a conservative would compare to [a] a single mother in a pejorative way? "said Lahren. There would be a scandal, a backlash, social media. There would be just a mass scandal. But as Michelle Obama is Michelle Obama, that she is a Democrat and that she carries the Obama family name, she can get by. But in reality, she does not only downplay Donald Trump, she belittles all those divorced and single fathers who do a great job. "

Since she was fired from The Blaze and then taken over by the Fox Nation, Lahren has become an increasingly popular figure among US conservatives, and over the last year she has particularly drawn attention to the fact that she has not been successful. attention for his criticism of the representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, DN.Y.

In January, Lahren had a quarrel with rapper Cardi B, which began when Lahren insulted the artist saying, "It looks like [Cardi B] is the latest political spirit of genius to support the Democrats. HA! Keep it up, guys! # MAGA2020. Cardi B replied on Twitter saying, "Leave me alone, I will walk your dog. "

Later, Ocasio-Cortez added, "Why do people think they can harm the women of the Bronx without being roasted?" They act as if our borough had not perfected the clapback game from the Sugarhill Gang found on Twitter ". Lahren replied: "Are not you the same girl who laments about Trump's incitement to violence? Now you're applauding because it's against a conservative with whom you're n & # 39; "I do not agree politically? Practice. I fully recognize that @iamcardib is smarter than YOU."

Lahren also blamed Ocasio-Cortez for its failure, saying "there is a difference between being successful on Twitter and social media like Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and being told on social media platforms, and succeed in real life. " She added, "But listen, the American people, we do not want help, we want the government to let the hand, and we want to be able to realize the American dream in a safe and secure country." this group of democrats does not offer any of these things ".

Lahren's column on what constitutes real "success" is curious. Representative Ocasio-Cortez had an asteroid named in honor of her work in an international science competition while she was a high school graduate with distinction in economics and international relations from Boston University and became the youngest woman elected to Congress in American history.


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