Tommy Dorfman introduces himself as a trans woman again


Tommy Dorfman, the 29-year-old star best known for her role in Netflix’s teen drama 13 reasons why, gave fans a closer look at his life.

In an interview with Time magazine, the actress introduces herself to the world as a trans woman. However, she doesn’t see the moment as a “coming out” moment, but rather a moment to purify the air.

“It’s not a transition. Or it is, but not as an idea to go somewhere. Just that I’m actually myself,” said Dorfman, who uses his pronouns.

“It’s funny to think about going out, because I haven’t been anywhere. I see it today as a reintroduction to myself as a woman, having made a medical transition. Getting out is always seen as a big eye-opener, but I was never not Today, it is a matter of clarity: I am a trans woman. “

“Some people have moved during the pandemic, some people have changed their gender,” she said in a music video for Time. “For many years I wanted to start the transition and it was really intimidating and scary to go on this journey, especially since I am at the start of my career.”

Growing up, Dorfman says she always felt feminine on the inside, “whatever that means.” But the self-isolation brought on by the pandemic made her look inside herself a little deeper.

“For me, it really took everything to go, me alone in my bed, trying to imagine what my life would be like at 60 – and all I can see is a woman.”

Over the past year or so, Dorfman has been posting her transition journey to Instagram bit by bit, and although her 1.3 million followers have noticed, she has never confirmed or denied it publicly – until now.

“I recognize that the transition is beautiful. Why not let the world see what it looks like? So I kept, on Instagram, a diaristic time capsule instead, one that shows a living body in a more fluid space.” , she said.

“With this medical transition, there was a talk about my body, and it started to get overwhelming,” she explained. “So recently I looked at examples of other people who have identified themselves as trans. There’s the version I couldn’t really afford, which is to disappear for two years and come back with a new name, a new face, and a new body. But that’s not what I wanted. “

Dorfman, who stars in Channel 4 Fracture and is about to direct an adaptation of Mason Deaver I wish you the best, added that she chooses to keep her name for sentimental reasons.

“I’m not a different person. I want to keep my name and give New life in my name, “she said, adding:” I am named after my mother’s brother who passed away a month after I was born, and I feel very connected to that name, to an uncle who m ‘held out as he died. It’s an evolution of Tommy. I’m becoming more of Tommy. “

Looking ahead, Dorfman said she delves into her future with optimism, hope and, most importantly, honesty.

“You don’t need to make a medical transition to be trans, but for me it was an active choice. I align my body with my soul,” she says. “Yet because of this I am losing some things. I have to take into account that I brought a lot of people and things that might not be there for this part of my trip. All I can do now is looking towards a future where I am hopefully just radically honest. This is who I am becoming. “

And when it comes to acting, Dorfman says she thinks the best is yet to come.

“I feel like I haven’t scratched the surface for myself and my work because everything I did until the end of last year was in the wrong body and not in my truth, and a lot of my work as an actor hid that part of me and then brought the character to life, ”she explained. “So I’m just happy to play women: trans women, cis women, women in general, people with non-binary. It’s funny because I loved to play but I would hate to go to work. It has always seemed very uncomfortable to me and now I know why. “

Following the publication of Dorfman’s Time interview, many came to support her.

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