Tony Hawk shares unused motion capture footage from his original professional skater


Photo: Kent Horner (Getty Images)

Tony Hawk's Pro Skater is now 20 years old. This is an important step that matters a lot to many people –Tony Hawk's Pro Skater It was a decisive moment in video games, a sports game that captivated the imagination of skaters, non-skaters and fans of Goldfinger's "Superman".

In the observance, Tony Hawk recently shared a behind-the-scenes excerpt of the making of Tony Hawk's Pro Skater where he participated in a motion capture session, donning the awkward lycra and tracking gear necessary for capture and rigging anyway. Unfortunately, Hawk said none of his skateboarders managed to get into the game because of tight deadlines.

Hawk – who is an excellent person to follow on Twitter – started a brief nostalgia for Labor Day weekend, realizing that he did not have a PlayStation copy of the game, and then found one. showing off brazenly. In the same tweet, he also said that an upcoming documentary by Neversoft's former producer, Ralph D'Amato, featured a trailer that made a notable use of Goldfinger's "Superman", just like any fan of the series. . Tony Hawk soundtrack would be.

Now all we need is new solid skateboarding games to wear the coat, or maybe a VHS-shaped birthday cake, or letters S-K-A-T-E. Nostalgia is good, but new cool skateboarding games would be preferable.


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