Toomey: Economy ‘is coming back’, another stimulus package would be ‘inappropriate’


His. Pat ToomeyPatrick (Pat) Joseph Toomey Government used Patriot Act to collect logs of website visitors in 2019 Appeals court rules NSA bulk phone data collection illegal Dunford steps down as committee chair coronavirus surveillance PLUS (R-Pa.) Lauded the strength of the US economy on Sunday and said a new stimulus package would be “inappropriate” given that Congress passed a bipartisan aid package in December.

Talk to the host Jake tapperJacob (Jake) Paul Tapper Without Trump, late-night ‘comedy’ becomes even more unbearable CNN’s Gupta ‘stunned’ Cuomo said he didn’t trust health experts Officials are bracing for Trump’s second impeachment trial MORE on CNN’s “State of the Union,” the outgoing GOP senator explained that he thought even the $ 600 billion counter-offer the Republicans made to the White House a week ago was too much Dear.

“The economy has come back strong. Disposable income is at record levels,” Toomey said. “It’s not a collapsing economy like it was in March.”

Asked about the 10 Senate Republicans who met with President Biden at the White House to discuss their own plan to enact more COVID-19 relief, including an unemployment insurance extension, Toomey said that ‘he disagreed[s] with them “to find out whether Congress should act to spend more funding.

“I don’t support this, I think it’s completely inappropriate,” Toomey said of the $ 600 billion GOP plan.

President Biden reportedly told GOP senators following their meeting last week that their framework for a COVID-19 relief bill was too small, and Democrats have indicated they plan to move forward. forward and push Biden’s $ 1.9 trillion COVID-19 relief program without GOP votes through the budget reconciliation process.

In January, Toomey claimed that Biden’s stimulus package “would likely slow down an employment recovery,” a warning that was dismissed by Biden’s Treasury Secretary on Sunday, Janet YellenJanet Louise YellenSunday Shows Sneak Peek: Budget Resolution Paves Way For 0.9 Trillion Stimulus; Senate prepares for impeachment trial More than 200 Obama officials sign letter supporting Biden’s stimulus package Biden’s economic adviser calls Summers ‘completely bogus’ with remarks on inflation MORE.

“We need a big package, and we have to do it quickly,” Yellen told CNN, adding, “I would expect that if this package is passed we will return to full employment next year. “


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