Top 12 officials aiming to crack down on taunts in 2021, including ‘Horns Down’ gesture


Big 12 officials coordinator Greg Burks told Big 12 media days on Thursday that cracking down on taunting would be a focus of the league this year.

Halfway through answering reporters’ questions, Burks was asked about the “gift that keeps on giving” to Big 12 officials: the Horns Down symbol, a taunt directed at Texas that has been an intermittent struggle as a call. judgment for officials.

“Let me put it this way,” Burks said. “If you Horns Down a Texas player as an opponent, it will probably be a foul.”

Burks said if a player turned to the crowd to throw the sign, it “probably” wouldn’t be a penalty.

“Please all note that I said ‘probably’,” Burks added. “We have to take into account the intention and the situation. We will leave it to those responsible.”

Two years ago, Burks answered similar questions.

“I know people want us to be final on this, but it’s like any touchdown celebration,” he said in 2019. “Is it directed at an opponent or just a celebration with your teammates ? “

But this year, the league has named taunting as one of its top priorities for officials.

“I promise you that we discuss it every year, because you discuss it every year,” Burks said. “I hope that in the future someone else’s symbols will come into play and not just the horns.”


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