Top Democrats Criticize Trump's Remarks on American Jews of Anti-Semitism


Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer of New York responded to Trump in a tweet, addressing directly to US Jews.

"To my fellow Jews (…) when he uses a trope used against the Jewish people for centuries with terrible consequences, he encourages – voluntarily or not – anti-Semites throughout the country and the world. said Schumer. .

In his speech to the press in the oval office on Tuesday, Trump said that Jewish Americans who vote for Democrats "show a total lack of knowledge or great disloyalty".

Trump was talking to reporters about two women from the Democratic Congress, representatives of Minnesota's Ilhan Omar and Michigan's Rashida Tlaib, whose trip to Israel had been canceled due to their efforts to boycott the country.

Trump's remark led critics to assert that the president stumbled in the antisemitic trope of "double loyalty."

House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer said Trump should be "firmly and widely condemned" for his remarks.

"It is a version of a vile and anti-Semitic attack that for centuries has required the Jewish people to show some kind of counterpart to be considered." as a loyal citizen, "said Hoyer, Democrat of Maryland, in a statement. "It is also a dangerous subversion of our American principles that all are entitled to their own views."

Elaine Luria, a Democratic female representative from Virginia, a freshman who toppled her district in 2018, said the president must "be ashamed to slander the proud Americans."

"As an American Jew, I am appalled that the President is attacking millions of members of the American Jewish community as unintelligent and disloyal," Luria said in a statement posted on Twitter. "These are age-old tropes that create an antisemitic environment, there is no room for such dangerous rhetoric."

Ted Barrett and Allison Gordon of CNN contributed to this report.


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