Top Gear declares world's fastest payload car, Tesla Model 3



Published on June 10, 2019 |
by Steve Hanley

June 10, 2019 by Steve Hanley

Thanks to a firmware update over the weekend, the long-range versions of Tesla Model 3 are now "the fastest electric cars in the world", according to the Top Gear. The new update allows cars to connect to ultra fast European chargers of 200 kW, which allows to add up to 850 km of autonomy to properly configured vehicles. The 3 LR model is one of the few cars of this type configured correctly.

Tesla model 3 long range

As the official Long Range Model 3 statistics indicate a range of 329 miles, this means that a full charge with one of these 200 kW chargers should take about 20 minutes – about the time that it takes. it takes to cool down and nibble quickly. most service areas.

There is even more good news for Tesla owners. The company opened its first 250 kW V3 superchargers at the Fremont plant during the week. As we informed Kyle Field, these faster than ultra fast chargers will be deployed over the next few months in the United States and Europe.

"Tesla's Supercharging V3 (or Nanocharging) introduces a completely new loading architecture. Where version 2.0 divided a single 150 kW backbone into two load pairs (A / B stations), the new architecture switches to a 1 MW backbone. That's right – 1 megawatt, guys! This MW flow is then divided between 4 stations, each receiving a dedicated 250 kW stream, "writes Kyle.

"Publishing the new road battery preconditioning is just one example of how Tesla has used software to improve load speeds without having to spend additional capital," adds Kyle Field. "Pre-conditioning the on-road battery used intelligence to start warming up the battery when navigating to a Tesla boost station, resulting in shorter load times."

In a statement to Top GearTesla said, "When our own V3 Supercharger technology is introduced, these cars will be able to charge even faster with peak load rates of 250 kW." Teslarati points out, at a higher rate, a 3 LR model will add 75 miles of autonomy in as little as 5 minutes.

Using Tesla's V3 superchargers, a long-range 3 model will be able to add 180 miles in just 15 minutes. An S model may add 130 miles in the same 15 minutes, while an X model may add up to 115 miles because of its lower efficiency than the S model.

Many people are shooting at Tesla these days. It's also popular to call socialist anyone who cares about climate change. In the face of these constant criticisms, Tesla keeps moving forward, constantly improving the electric car's experience for its owners and setting the standard to which other companies must aspire.

Keywords: Tesla Model 3, Tesla Model 3 Long Range, Tesla Model 3 Supercharging, Tesla Model S, Tesla Model S Supercharging, Tesla Supercharger v3, Tesla Tesla Superchargers, Tesla Supercharger, High Speed ​​Charger

About the author

Steve Hanley Steve writes about the interface between technology and sustainability from his home in Rhode Island and wherever the singularity could lead him. His motto is: "Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but the number of breathtaking moments!" You can follow him on Google + and on Twitter.


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