Toyota announces the arrival of 2 electric cars in the United States this year


Toyota today announced that it will bring two electric cars and a plug-in hybrid to the United States in 2021.

Toyota lags behind in fully electric cars

Toyota has yet to launch a fully electric vehicle outside of China.

Despite the fact that the company announced an acceleration of its electric vehicle projects last year, the Japanese automaker has focused on hybrid vehicles and fuel cell vehicles, and has often rejected battery-electric vehicles. .

Last year, Toyota CEO Akio Toyoda launched a rant on battery-electric vehicles at an annual meeting, spreading misinformation about electric vehicles and claiming it was wrong. idea of ​​pushing for massive electrification.

Two new Toyota electric vehicles

Today, Toyota announced that it will finally market fully electric vehicles in the United States:

“Toyota Motor North America (TMNA) has announced its intention to introduce three new electrified models to the US market this year – two BEVs and one PHEV.”

Bob Carter, Executive Vice President of Sales of TMNA, commented on the announcement

“We continue to be leaders in the electrification that began with our pioneering introduction of the Prius almost 25 years ago. Toyota’s new electrified product offerings will provide customers with several choices of powertrain that best meet their needs. “

The Japanese automaker has not specified what these new electric vehicles will be, but recently spoke of working on an all-electric SUV.

In the same announcement, Toyota also revealed an internal study claiming that plug-in hybrids have the same impact on the environment as an all-electric vehicle:

“The GHGs of a currently available BEV and PHEV model are roughly the same in terms of on-road performance taking into account the pollutants created by power generation for the average US power grid used to charge batteries.”

They have published the source code for the study here.

Taking Electrek

I’m always happy to see more EVs coming onto the market, but I feel like Toyota is really dragging its feet on this one reluctantly releasing these vehicles.

It’s crazy. They can’t even help but accept a job in electric cars in the same announcement of the introduction of two new electric cars in the United States.

Yes, plug-in hybrids can be very effective in some use cases, especially if you stick to a commute of less than 20 miles per day, but we all know it’s a trade-off and ultimately vehicles everything. electric combined with renewable electricity. production is the way to go.

If Toyota doesn’t see it yet, I worry about the future of the company.

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